20 Min Kettlebell Workout | Shoulders, Back and Glutes focus (HOURGLASS SHAPE) // NO REPEATS

20 Min Kettlebell Workout | Shoulders, Back and Glutes focus (HOURGLASS SHAPE) // NO REPEATS

Sculpt your body & create an hourglass body shape by building specific muscle groups 😊 ❤️ Love the workouts and want to say thanks? ➡️ Buy me a coffee: https://www.buymeacoffee.com/roxanner... ➡️   / workoutwithroxanne   ⭐️The Mat I use: https://miramat.com.au/?sca_ref=13285... 🙋🏼Follow on Instagram:   / workoutwithroxanne   👉 Reference: I am using 6kg & 10kg kettlebells in todays workout. Really IMPORTANT to warm up: 👉    • 5 Min Dynamic WARM UP with mobility /...   Suggested Workouts for you to do after: 👉 10 Mins Kettlebell swings supersets:    • 10 Min Full Body KETTLEBELL SWINGS Su...   👉 10 Min Dumbbell Arms & Abs:    • 15 Min ARMS & ABS Dumbbell Supersets ...   👉 10 Min Standing Kettlebell ABS:    • 10 MIN STANDING KETTLEBELL ABS | FUNC...   👉 Cool Down and Stretch -    • 10 Mins FULL BODY STRETCH | Post Work...   Exercises: 1. Single Shoulder Press 2. Swap Sides 3. Wide Squats 4. Upright Row 5. Alternating Rows 6. Romanian Deadlifts 7. Wide to Narrow Row 8. Swap sides 9. Shoulder Press 10. Arabesque Romanian Deadlifts 11. Swap Sides 12. Lateral Shifts 13. KB Pull Overs 14. Glute Bridges 15. Side Lying Clams 16. Swap Sides 17. Single Leg Glutes Bridges 18. Swap Sides 19. Glute Bridge Pulses 20. Plank Hold 🎵 Where I download my Music ​*Try it FREE for 30 days* https://www.epidemicsound.com/referra... Thanks for watching! Roxanne ❤ ____________________________ D I S C L A I M E R Please consult your doctor or health care professional before starting this workout. If you experience pain or discomfort at any time during this workout, you should stop immediately. By performing these exercises, you are performing them at your own risk. Roxanne Russell will not be responsible or liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of this workout video. #kettlebellworkout #homeworkout #hourglassworkout 0:00 Introduction 1:03 Waiter Press (L) 2:03 Waiter Press (R) 3:03 Wide Squats 4:03 Upright Row 5:03 Alternating Rows 6:03 Romanian DLS 7:03 Shoulder Press 8:03 Wide To Narrow Row (L) 9:03 Wide To Narrow Row (R) 10:03 Arabesque ROMS (L) 11:03 Arabesque ROMS (R) 12:03 Lateral Shifts 13:03 KB Pullovers 14:03 Glute Bridges 15:03 Side Glute Clams (R) 16:04 Side Glute Clams (L) 17:03 Glute Bridge Single (L) 18:03 Glute Bridge Single (R) 19:03 Glute Bridge Pulses 20:03 KB Plank Hold