11.1 Ranged DPS TIER LIST | Which Ranged Should You Main?

11.1 Ranged DPS TIER LIST | Which Ranged Should You Main?

Which Ranged DPS are looking the best in 11.1 The War Within? Which Ranged are pumping? Which Ranged are bad? After playing all DPS specs on PTR here is a video on my thoughts. Let me know what you think! Watch live at:   / vesperaltv   Business email: [email protected] Hope you enjoy! Intro: 0:00 Destruction Warlock: 0:45 Demonology Warlock: 2:25 Affliction Warlock: 3:27 Beast Mastery Hunter: 4:37 Marksmanship Hunter: 7:38 Balance Druid: 9:12 Shadow Priest: 11:05 Frost Mage: 14:18 Fire Mage: 16:08 Arcane Mage: 18:00 Elemental Shaman: 19:46 Devastation Evoker: 21:12 Augmentation Evoker: 22:30 Outro: 24:44 Discord:   / discord   Twitch:   / vesperaltv   Twitter:   / vesperaltv   #worldofwarcraft #thewarwithin #mythicplus