[English Sub] 땅콩멸치볶음 맛있게 만드는 법 💛 (How to make The Fried Peanut Anchovy!) #엄마의밥상 🔥

[English Sub] 땅콩멸치볶음 맛있게 만드는 법 💛 (How to make The Fried Peanut Anchovy!) #엄마의밥상 🔥

국민 밑반찬인 멸치볶음이 땅콩과 만나면? 로스앤젤레스에서 유명 한식당 '소반'을 운영하는 '엄마 요리사' 박영희 씨가 직접 조리법을 소개하는 '엄마의 밥상' 📌 땅콩멸치볶음 재료 - 멸치 2컵 / 땅콩 2컵 / 간장 1큰술 / 물엿 1큰술 / 식용유 - 통깨 1큰술 / 참기름 1큰술 / 마늘 1큰술 / 액젓 1큰술 / 파 / 깨소금 - 매실 엑기스 반스푼 🔹 유튜브 채널 구독 및 알람설정 : What would happen Korean traditional Fried Anchovy meet Peanut? Young Hee Park the cooking mom is owner of So Ban, the famous Korean restaurant located Los Angeles, will introduce how to cook the famous Korean dishes 📌 Ingredients of Fried Peanut Anchovy -2 cups anchovy/ 2 cups peanuts/ 1T soy sauce/ 1T starch syrup/ cooking oil - 1T sesame oil/ 1T grind garlic/ 1T fish sauce/ bit of green onion/ 1T sesame seeds - 1/2t plum extract 🔹 Subscribe and join notification family : - Camera operated by : Glenn Kim / Sang Kyun Park - Produced by YouStar Media & Entertainment