What if Dishwashers Disappeared? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #children
Buy AumSum Merchandise: https://www.aumsum.com What if Dishwashers Disappeared? Firstly, if Dishwashers disappeared, people may have to revert back to the age-old practice of manually washing and drying their dishes. Secondly, if Dishwashers disappeared, in order to keep their dishes clean some people may start eating out of their own hands. Thirdly, if Dishwashers disappeared, everyone may try to avoid getting dish-washing duties. Fourthly, if Dishwashers disappeared, inventor of self-cleaning dishes may become a billionaire overnight. Fifthly, if Dishwashers disappeared, sale of disposable dishes may skyrocket. Lastly, if Dishwashers disappeared, manufacturers of dishwasher detergent may have to shut their shop. Timecodes 0:00 - What if Dishwashers Disappeared? 1:15 - How does a Lie Detector Test Work? 2:19 - How do Portable Oxygen Concentrators Work? 3:39 - How do Batteries Work? 4:39 - How does an Electric Bell Work? 5:41 - How does a Pulse Oximeter Work? 6:47 - How does an Air Conditioner Work? 7:51 - How does Water get inside a Coconut? 8:38 - How does a 3D Printer Work? 9:42 - How do Mirrors Work?