Why do Zebras have Stripes? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #children
Buy AumSum Merchandise: https://www.aumsum.com Why do Zebras have Stripes? According to a recent study, Zebras may have evolved stripes to evade flies. An experiment was carried out in Somerset, U.K. using brown or black Horses, Zebras and flies. It was found out that Zebras and Horses both received similar number of approaches from flies. But far fewer flies actually landed on the Zebras. After frame-by-frame analysis of the videos it was seen that the flies slowly decelerated as they approached the horses before making a controlled landing. In case of Zebras the flies failed to decelerate. They either flew past the Zebras or directly bumped and bounced off them. Now, when striped coats were put on horses, the flies landed on the Horses naked head but flew past or bounced off their striped body coats. Thus, Zebras may have evolved stripes in order to avoid flies. Reference: https://earthsky.org/earth/why-zebra-... Timecodes 0:00 - Why do Zebras have Stripes? 1:22 - Why do animals eyes glow in the dark? 2:22 - Can animals predict natural disasters? 3:26 - Can animals get a sunburn? 4:33 - How do Animals Hibernate? 5:56 - Do Animals live Longer than Humans? 7:59 - What if all Animals Disappeared? 9:12 - Why are Tigers Orange in Color?