What if we lived inside Jungles? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif

What if we lived inside Jungles? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif

Buy AumSum Merchandise: https://www.aumsum.com If we lived inside Jungles: Humans will raze everything, no jungles will be left. Wild animals & humans may find themselves in a race for the same food. Due to human overpopulation many wild animals may go extinct. Clean air and fresh fruits will turn out to be very good for us. Pollution might decrease as humans might start using animals for transportation. Lots of new species of plants and animals might get discovered. The trekking industry may get a huge boost. Humans may become more conscious & actually start living in harmony with nature. Addiction to cell phones might actually decrease, people may start engaging in other activities. Many new plants with great medicinal properties may be discovered. Timecodes 0:00 - What if we lived inside Jungles? 1:36 - What if Dogs started behaving like Humans? 2:46 - Why do Zebras have Stripes? 3:57 - Why do Corpse flowers smell so Bad? 5:11 - What if Cockroaches became Very Big? 6:21 - What if we Eat like an Elephant? 7:24 - How does Water get inside a Coconut? 8:11 - What if Wood Disappeared? 9:24 - Why is Equator Hot but Poles are Cold?