What if we lived on Hilltops? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif

What if we lived on Hilltops? + more videos | #aumsum #kids #science #education #whatif

Buy AumSum Merchandise: https://www.aumsum.com If we lived on Hilltops: All the Hilltops on planet Earth may start getting littered with houses. As many Hilltops have less oxygen we may need to carry oxygen masks. We will definitely get exposed to extreme winds as well as torrential rain. Human overpopulation may leave all the hilltops littered with waste and trash. Haphazard construction of houses may make landslides a common phenomenon. Generally there are a lot of trees on hills, humans may completely raze them. Going up and down a hill is not easy, road accidents may go up. Horses, being a very good fit for this environment, may become extremely important. The trekking industry may get a huge boost. Due to everyday climbing humans may actually start getting fitter. Timecodes 0:00 - What if we lived on Hilltops? 1:34 - How does a Pulse Oximeter Work? 2:40 - What if our Teeth were made of Gold? 3:46 - What if the Earth Disappeared? 4:29 - Why do our Pupils Dilate? 5:29 - What if we start Mining Asteroids? 6:30 - What if Earth was Flat? 7:37 - Why do Astronauts wear Orange and White Spacesuits? 8:46 - Why do we Shrink With Age? 9:56 - Why do we Forget things as we get Old?