WATCH: The Old Path Bible Study - Dec 2, 2021, 7PM (PH Time)
Are the “biblical truths” you heard from your church really the truth in the Bible? Join us online in our The Old Path Bible Study at 7 a.m. EDT and hear the answers straight from the Holy Scriptures through Brother Eli Soriano and Brother Daniel Razon. Tune in via our online platforms: YouTube: / theoldpath Facebook: / theoldpath Instagram: / theoldpathtv Twitter: / theoldpathtv For information on how to attend internationally, please email [email protected] or reach us on Viber at +63 943 254 5390. #WhatTheBibleSays #DiscoverTheBible ******************* Watch our event in different languages: TAGALOG / mcgichannel PORTUGUESE https://www.youtube.com/OCaminhoAntig... SPANISH https://www.youtube.com/ElCaminoAntig... ITALIAN https://www.youtube.com/IlSentieroAnt... FRENCH https://www.youtube.com/LAncienChemin... GERMAN https://www.youtube.com/DerAltePfad/live TWI https://www.youtube.com/TeteAtempon/live JAPANESE https://www.youtube.com/MukashiNoMich... CHINESE https://www.youtube.com/GuDao/live BAHASA MELAYU (MALAYSIA) https://www.youtube.com/JalanYangDahu... NEPALESE / prachinmarga SRI-LANKA (ENGLISH) / live ******************* MCGI / live Bro. Eli Soriano / live