WATCH: The Old Path Bible Study - Nov 29, 2021, 7PM (PH Time)
Be enlightened as we listen to the teachings of our Lord Jesus Christ. Join us online in our The Old Path Study at 7:00 p.m. Philippine Time and hear the answers straight from the Holy Scriptures through Brother Eli Soriano and Brother Daniel Razon. Tune in via our online platforms: YouTube: / theoldpath Facebook: / theoldpath Instagram: / theoldpathtv Twitter: / theoldpathtv For information on how to attend internationally, please email [email protected] or reach us on Viber at +63 943 254 5390. #WhatTheBibleSays #BiblicalTruthsUnfold ******************* Watch our event in different languages: TAGALOG / mcgichannel PORTUGUESE https://www.youtube.com/OCaminhoAntig... SPANISH https://www.youtube.com/ElCaminoAntig... ITALIAN https://www.youtube.com/IlSentieroAnt... FRENCH https://www.youtube.com/LAncienChemin... GERMAN https://www.youtube.com/DerAltePfad/live TWI https://www.youtube.com/TeteAtempon/live JAPANESE https://www.youtube.com/MukashiNoMich... CHINESE https://www.youtube.com/GuDao/live BAHASA MELAYU (MALAYSIA) https://www.youtube.com/JalanYangDahu... NEPALESE / prachinmarga SRI-LANKA (ENGLISH) / live ******************* MCGI / live Bro. Eli Soriano / live