Saturday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time | Luke 21:34-36
A homily given by Alberto S. Uy, Bishop of Tagbilran
Eschaton Vista: Be Vigilant at All Times - Dec 02 - Homily - Fr Alan
HOLY MASS: Saturday of the 34th week of ordinary time - Year A, 2nd December, 2023
Votive Shrine Daily Mass | Live Stream | December 02, 2023, Saturday, 6:30 am | Tamil Mass
Saturday of the 34th Week in OT: Beware That Your Hearts Do Not Become Drowsy... | Luke 21:34-36
Saturday of d 34th Week in OT: Beware That Your Hearts Do Not Become Drowsy.. | Luke 21:34-36
Saturday Reflection B. V. Mary (02/12/2023)
Gospel Reflection Saturday 34th Week Ordinary Time (2 Dec) - The importance of watching & praying
Gospel Power | December 2, 2023
HOMILY: Saturday within the 34th week in Ordinary Time: Year A
MASS READINGS 26 NOV 2022 APOCALYPSE 22. 1 to 7 PSALM 94 GOSPEL of LUKE 21. 34 to 36 FINAL WEEK 34th
Votive Shrine Daily Mass | Live Stream | November 26, 2022, Saturday, 6:30 am | Tamil Mass
The Word For Today. Saturday of the 34th week in Ordinary Time II
Be alert at all times (Luke 21,36).
Gospel Reflection Saturday (26 November) – 34th week Ordinary Time - Watching and praying
PATHWAYS OF HOPE : “Watch Yourselves”
Gospel Reading & Reflection for November 26, 2022 | Pope Francis on Today's gospel ( Luke 21:34-36 )
Saturday of the 34th Week in Ordinary Time | Luke 21:34-36
ಸುವಾರ್ತಾ ಸಂದೇಶ | Daily Gospel Reflections | November 26, 2022 | Fr Pradeep Cardoza | Udupi Diocese
Saturday of the Thirty-fourth Week in Ordinary Time (Mass Reading)
Gospel Power | November 26, 2022