How Grief Affects The Physical Body

How Grief Affects The Physical Body

Mass Mind Collective Consciousness: It's surprising how grief can be. Your heart literally aches. A memory comes up that causes your stomach to clench or a chill to run down your spine. Some nights, your mind races, and your heart races along with it, your body so electrified with energy that you can barely sleep. Other nights, you're so tired that you fall asleep right away. You wake up the next morning still feeling exhausted and spend most of the day in bed. So, What causes these physical symptoms? Research shows that emotional pain activates the same regions of the brain as physical pain. Grief can worsen health problems you already have and cause new ones. It batters the immune system, leaving you depleted and vulnerable to infection. The heartbreak of grief can thus affect us not only emotionally but physically as well. Let’s talk about a few facts about GRIEF and how it affects us. TOPICS COVERED IN THIS VIDEO: • How Grief affects us • What Grief does to us • What Grief does to our Physical Body • Pain caused by Grief • Understanding what it means to be Grieving #Grief #Loss #LosingALovedOne #Heartbreak #Death #DeathOfAFamilyMember #Grieving #Dying #WhatDeathDoesToUs #DeathOfAPet #LosingAPet #Pain #Sad #Heartbroken #HowToMoveOn #Psychology #Personalities #Characteristics #MassMindCollectiveConsiousness #MassMindChannel --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- For more information on PSYCHOLOGY, SUBSCRIBE to the channel:    / @massmindcollectiveconsciou1939   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OTHER VIDEOS TO WATCH: 9 Signs You Have Social Anxiety, According To A Therapist     • 9 Signs You Have Social Anxiety, Acco...   Things You Unconsciously Do When Depressed     • Things You Unconsciously Do When Depr...   9 Signs You Are Depressed Not Lazy     • 9 Signs You Are Depressed Not Lazy   7 Mental Illness Signs You Must Not Ignore     • 7 Mental Illness Signs You Must Not I...   5 Things Depression Makes Us Do     • 5 Things Depression Makes Us Do   7 Signs That Someone Maybe Suicidal     • 7 Ways To Tell If Someone Is SUICIDAL   7 Things That People With Depression Want You To Know     • 7 Things People with Depression Want ...   8 Signs Of Teenage Depression     • 8 Signs of Teenage Depression!   10 Unexpected Ways Anxiety Impacts Your Life     • 10 Unexpected Ways ANXIETY is Impacti...   8 Signs You Have Unhealed Trauma    • 8 Signs You May Be Dealing With Unhea...   --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- CHANNEL PLAYLISTS: Self-Help & Motivational ►    • Self-Help, Personalities & Motivational!   Introverts! ►    • Introverts!   Relationship, Love & Dating ►    • Love and Relationships!   Parenthood, Childhood, and The Teen Years! ►    • Parenthood, Childhood, and the Teen Y...   Friendships! ►    • Friendships!   Personalities & Traits ►    • Personalities and Traits!   Depression & Anxiety ►    • Depression and Anxiety!   DISCLAIMER: All the information provided on this channel is for general and educational purposes only. It does not constitute any legal, medical, or other professional advice on any subject matter. The statements have not been evaluated by the FDA or any other agency. Always seek advice from a qualified health professional prior to starting any new diet, treatment, or regimen, and with any questions, you may have regarding a medical or any other condition. If you think you have a medical problem, and/or need medical advice, promptly contact your health care provider or qualified health care professional. References: 1) Google 2) How Grief Shows Up In Your Body By Stephanie Hairston; WebMD 3) Sidney Zisook, MD 4) M. Katherine Shear, MD 5) Margaret Stroebe, PhD 6) Kathrin Boerner, PhD