How to DILATE Faster (11 min Workout by a DOCTOR of PT), Induce Labor NATURALLY, SPEED up Labor

How to DILATE Faster (11 min Workout by a DOCTOR of PT), Induce Labor NATURALLY, SPEED up Labor

FREE GUIDE: MUST HAVE PRODUCTS FOR PREGNANCY ➡ The secret to getting dilated faster! These low impact exercises will get your pelvic floor ready to deliver your baby and spend less time in labor. This can be done at home or in your birthing room. It is designed using my experience and knowledge as a DOCTOR and mother of 3 (vaginal births, no medicine). Get your body ready to deliver your baby...You can do this! If you have any questions, please submit them at this link ( I will aim to answer them in a future video. WHO THIS IS FOR: ►Pregnant Women (35 weeks or more) WORKOUT SPECS: ►Total Time: 11 minutes ►Intensity: Low Impact EQUIPMENT NEEDED: 1️⃣ Large exercise ball ➡ 2️⃣ Small exercise ball ➡ Hi, I'm Dr. V (Physical Therapist, Pelvic Floor Specialist, and former Professor). I'm here to help...supercharging 10 million women like you to no longer pee when laughing/exercising, experience pain-free sex, power through pregnancy, recover faster from baby birth issues, cope with menopause, manage pain related to periods, and get answers on related women's health topics. I had 3 natural, vaginal births. And even though I had a 4 finger gap in my abs (diastasis recti), I was able to reduce the gap using the physical therapy techniques that I practice along with my specialized training in the pelvic floor. And I have helped so many moms to do the same using proven techniques. I have witnessed and led women through positive birth experiences and know you can have the same! Topics of this video: Exercise Safely During Pregnancy, Pregnancy Exercise for Easy Delivery, Benefits of Exercise During Pregnancy, Safe Pregnancy Exercises, Pregnancy Exercise For Normal Delivery & Easy Labor, Exercises to Do, Maternity Workout, Exercises in Preparation for Delivery, Safe for All Trimesters DISCLAIMER: Read our full disclaimer here: If you are new to exercise or have any current medical conditions, you should consult your physician. This video may offer health, fitness or nutritional information and is meant for educational purposes only. This information is not meant as an alternative to seeking professional medical advice or suggested treatment. Please know that performing any exercise or program is solely at your own risk. DISCLOSURE: We often review or link to products & services we regularly use and think you might find helpful. Wherever possible we use referral links, which means if you click one of the links in this video or description and make a purchase we may receive a small commission or other compensation. Many of our links to products/gear are links to those products on Amazon. We are a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for us to earn fees by linking to and related sites. #pregnancyworkout #pregnancyexercises #prenatalworkouts #prenatalexercises #pregnancyworkouts #pregnancyexercise #prenatalworkout #prenatalexercise #pregnancyworkout3rdtrimester