How to calculate fertile days, ovulation day, and safe days when trying to conceive (TTC)
#ttc #fertility #pregnancy * * * Disclaimer: My videos are intended for general information only and should not be used as the basis for any diagnosis, patient treatment or a substitute for medical professional advice. It is safest to seek medical professional help for any fertility or health issue you may have. _ ABOUT ME: Hi! I'm mirabel I'm passionate about promoting fertility awareness to help women become attuned with their bodies, and be able to make the best choices, to achieve their fertility goals. My videos are a little bit of everything, menstrual cycles, period products, motherhood, lifestyle and more. I try to make my videos informative and relatable, so i hope you find my contents helpful. Thank you for subscribing * * * * _ #babyboy #opks #ttc #liveovulationtest #howtocalculationovulation #opks bestopks #clearbluedigitalovulationtest #easy@homeovulation #ttc #implantation #signsofimplantation #implantationbleeding #howtogetpregnantfast #premomovulationpredition #infertility #pcos #howtotestforovulation #peakday #peakovulation #bestfertilityapps @premom @ovia @clearblue #oviafertility #premomfertility #flofertility #naturalbirthcontrol #hormonalfreebirthcontrol #howtocalculateyourcycles #pregnancy #howtoconceivefast #ttc #contraceptives #contraception #baby #tryingtoconceive #thebestbirthcontrol #myiudexperience #iud #howtocalculateovulation #ovulation #period #fertilityapp #oviaapp #premomapp #glowapp #floapp #clewapp #premom #oviafertility #ovulationtestathome #howtogetprenantfast #howtopreventpregnancy #menstration #pregnancy #fibriods #fertility #ovulationtestkits #bbt #basalbodythermometer #pregnancytest #mybirthcontrolexperience #fertilitydiet #hormonalimbalance #tryingtoconceive #baby #babyboy #babygirl #babyshorts #babynames #implantationbleeding #implantation #ivf #ivfsuccess #pregnancyannoucement #howtogetpregnantfast #howtoconceive2024 #howtoconceiveababyboy #fertilityfoods #health #healthyfood #healthtips #healthylifestyle #womenhealth #pregnancy #pregnancytest #pregnancytips #pregnancyjourney #howtochartwithfertilityapps #signsofovulation #postpartum #birthcontrolafterdelivery #whatisnaturalbirthcontrol #howtopreventpregnancy