Create Snowfall Effects this Winter in After Effects #tutorial

Create Snowfall Effects this Winter in After Effects #tutorial

Create Snowfall Effects this Winter in After Effects ► 25,000+ Templates for AE & Premiere: ► Free 100 Template Pack for AE & Premiere: #aftereffects #animation #motiongraphics First, import a PNG image of your snowflake once your snowflakes imported. Make sure you hide it. Create a solid layer and then go to effect simulation. CC Particle world. Move the solid layer forward in your timeline. Set the birth rate 2.1 and the longevity to ten so that the producer position will be above your composition. Go to particle and set the particle type to textured tri polygon. Then set the texture to your snowflake image. Set the birth and death size to three and the max opacity to 100%. Your settings may vary. Lastly, go to physics. Set the animation to twirl and the gravity 2 .05. And now you have a nice graphic snowfall effect.