How long does it take to become flexible? + My flexibility journey (when starting as an adult)

How long does it take to become flexible? + My flexibility journey (when starting as an adult)

How long does it take to become flexible? Watch this if you want to know the truth.. and I will tell you now, you won't like what I have to say. But what doesn't kill us makes us stronger, and this video is full of information that will help you get flexible the fastest way possible. 💗 I will also be sharing my flexibility journey to give you an idea of how long it took me when starting as an adult. 🤸🏼 Some great stretching videos, as promised: 🌸 12 min FRONT SPLITS for All Levels    • 12 min FRONT SPLITS for All Levels - ...   🌸 Follow Along Bridge Flexibility Routine    • Follow Along Bridge Flexibility Routi...   🌸 Front and Middle Splits FOLLOW ALONG routine    • Front and Middle Splits FOLLOW ALONG ...   ⭐️ Would you like a FREE STRETCHING PROGRAM? ⭐️ Follow me on Instagram (@stretch.and.train) where I will soon share more info on how to get your hands on one. 👇🏼   / stretch.and.train   Hugs Aleks 🌸