Buddy The Elf Body Swap With Dad! (Part 1)

Buddy The Elf Body Swap With Dad! (Part 1)

Buddy The Elf Body Swap With Dad! (Part 1) Buddy the Elf from the movie Elf with Will Ferrell surprised the Fun Squad by swapping bodies with Dad and then decorating the Fun Squad house and having Christmas fun and joy with the Fun Squad! From all of us at the Fun Squad, we want to wish all of you a very Merry Christmas! And Happy Holidays! 🛒 NEW Fun Squad MERCH: https://www.TheFunSquadStore.com ✨ SUBSCRIBE Here ➔ http://bit.ly/FunSquad ✨ SUBSCRIBE To Our Family Channel Here ➔ http://bit.ly/FunSquadFamily 👀 Watch More Videos 👀: 🌟 Most Popular:    • Popular Videos   🎵 Music Videos:    • All Fun Squad Music Videos! Kids Fun TV!   🦸 SuperHero:    • Superhero   🤣 Sneaky Jokes:    • Funny April Fools Jokes Videos   🎥 Movies Recreated:    • Movies Recreated   👍 Check Out Our Other YouTube Channels Here: ► Fun Squad Family:    / funsquadfamily   ► Jazzy Skye:    / jazzyskye   ► Jack Skye:    / jackskyeofficial   ► Kade Skye:    / kadeskye   😎 Official Fun Squad Website: https://www.TheFunSquad.com 📱 Follow Us On Instagram: Fun Squad:   / funsquad_official   Fun Squad Family:   / funsquadfamily_official