Sept 4 - 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time Online Healing Mass | Fr. Mario Sobrejuanite.
Mass of the Twenty-third Sunday in Ordinary Time with Fr. Mario Sobrejuanite, SSP via online/video conferencing from Ariccia, Italy to your home, in cooperation with The ACTS Catholic Prayer Community. “Whoever does not carry his own cross and come after me cannot be my disciple.” Gospel (Luke 14:25-33) #FrMar #FrMarioSobrejuanite #catholicsundaymass #sundayhealingmass #catholicmass #frmariosobrejuanite2022 #actsprayergroup #frmar2022 #pinoymass #pinoytvmass #livemass #onlinemass #homebound #homeboundmass #philippinemass #catholicTvmass #videoconferencingmass #ACTSCatholicPrayerCommunity #ACTSGoesBeyondBorders #ACTSRefreshed #onemindoneheartonespirit #Christtotheendsoftheearth #ACTS10yearsofGod’sFaithfulness #OVERFLOWINGPROVIS10N #23rdSundayinOrdinaryTime #DISCIPLESHIP #FOLLOWJESUS #CARRYOWNCROSS #NoJoywithoutCross #COSTLYDISCIPLESHIP #Renouncepossessions #COMMITMENT #LovefamilylessthanChrist #SELF-SACRIFICE #TURNTOWARDGOD #Turnawayfrompossessions #LoyaltyandAllegiancetoJesus #FOLLOWME #GiftandDemand #livemass #onlinemass #massforthehomebound #videoconferencingmass