Vampire Four Elements / Fire Girl, Water Girl, Storm Girl and Earth Girl / Part 3

Vampire Four Elements / Fire Girl, Water Girl, Storm Girl and Earth Girl / Part 3

From Nerd To Beauty Superhero    • From Nerd To Beauty Superhero / What ...   Stormy has her first day at vampire school today. She's definitely going to make some new friends here. That's so exciting! Except Firey isn't happy about the new girl. She never backs down and always gets what she wants. And her main weapon is her brain. Firey's got a couple of fire vampire pranks in store for Stormy. Who’s going to come out on top?! Our new video is all about the most unusual vampire school. This is something you've never seen before! It’s full of magic, fights between the elements, and true love. Let's see which of the students will become the Prom Queen! Follow Chi Chi Wow: Subscribe:   / @chi_chi_wow   Instagram:   / troomtroom_wow   LIKEE: Chi Chi WOW Ukrainian:    / @chichiwowukr   Chi Chi WOW French:    / @chichiwowfr   Chi Chi WOW German:    / @chichiwowde   Chi Chi WOW Russian:    / @chichiwowru   Chi Chi Spanish:    / @chichiwowes   Chi Chi WOW Portuguese:    / @chichiwowpt   Chi Chi WOW Polish:    / @chichiwowpl   Chi Chi WOW Italian:    / @chichiwowit   Chi Chi WOW Arabic:    / @chichiwowarabic   Chi Chi WOW Japanese:    / @chichiwowjp   Chi Chi WOW Korean:    / @chichiwowkorea   Chi Chi WOW Chinese:    / @chichiwowchinese   Chi Chi WOW India:    / @chichiwowindia   Chi Chi WOW Turkish:    / @chichiwowtr   Chi Chi WOW Indonesia:    / @chichiwowindonesia   Chi Chi WOW Vietnam:    / @chichiwowvietnam   Chi Chi WOW Thai:    / @chichiwowthai   Chi Chi WOW Dutch:    / @chichiwowdutch   Don’t forget to turn on notifications, like, & subscribe!