Vampire Four Elements / Fire Girl, Water Girl, Storm Girl and Earth Girl

Vampire Four Elements / Fire Girl, Water Girl, Storm Girl and Earth Girl

   • We Are Having Fun! Join Now!   The three elemental vampires of Earth, Water and Lightning used to coexist in perfect harmony, but when a new girl that could control the element of Fire showed up in their class, things took a turn for the worse! Will this fiery newcomer learn to get along with the elemental trio, or will the elements never live in harmony? Watch our video to find out! #vampire #fire #water Follow Chi Chi Wow: Subscribe:   / @chi_chi_wow   Instagram:   / troomtroom_wow   LIKEE: Chi Chi WOW Ukrainian:    / @chichiwowukr   Chi Chi WOW French:    / @chichiwowfr   Chi Chi WOW German:    / @chichiwowde   Chi Chi WOW Russian:    / @chichiwowru   Chi Chi Spanish:    / @chichiwowes   Chi Chi WOW Portuguese:    / @chichiwowpt   Chi Chi WOW Polish:    / @chichiwowpl   Chi Chi WOW Italian:    / @chichiwowit   Chi Chi WOW Arabic:    / @chichiwowarabic   Chi Chi WOW Japanese:    / @chichiwowjp   Chi Chi WOW Korean:    / @chichiwowkorea   Chi Chi WOW Chinese:    / @chichiwowchinese   Chi Chi WOW India:    / @chichiwowindia   Chi Chi WOW Turkish:    / @chichiwowtr   Chi Chi WOW Indonesia:    / @chichiwowindonesia   Chi Chi WOW Vietnam:    / @chichiwowvietnam   Chi Chi WOW Thai:    / @chichiwowthai   Chi Chi WOW Dutch:    / @chichiwowdutch   Don’t forget to turn on notifications, like, & subscribe!