Vampire Four Elements / Fire Girl, Water Girl, Storm Girl and Earth Girl / Part 2

Vampire Four Elements / Fire Girl, Water Girl, Storm Girl and Earth Girl / Part 2

Who murdered Elsa?    • Who Murdered Elsa? Ladybug Vs Hello K...   Looks like there’s a new kid at the magic elemental vampire school! Meet Coldie, a wonderful girl that controls the mighty powers of ice! However, not everyone is happy to see a newcomer around, and the sinister Fiery is already hatching a plan to get rid of a new rival once and for all - after all, the annual school ball is right around the corner, and there’s nothing Fiery won’t do to get the crown and the attention of her crush! Will our cute and innocent Coldie be able to stand up to her?! Check out our latest video for a thrilling tale of rivalry between fire and ice! This eternal conflict will be resolved today, but who will come out on top, Fiery or Coldie? Watch to find out! #vampire #fire #girl Follow Chi Chi Wow: Subscribe:   / @chi_chi_wow   Instagram:   / troomtroom_wow   LIKEE: Chi Chi WOW Ukrainian:    / @chichiwowukr   Chi Chi WOW French:    / @chichiwowfr   Chi Chi WOW German:    / @chichiwowde   Chi Chi WOW Russian:    / @chichiwowru   Chi Chi Spanish:    / @chichiwowes   Chi Chi WOW Portuguese:    / @chichiwowpt   Chi Chi WOW Polish:    / @chichiwowpl   Chi Chi WOW Italian:    / @chichiwowit   Chi Chi WOW Arabic:    / @chichiwowarabic   Chi Chi WOW Japanese:    / @chichiwowjp   Chi Chi WOW Korean:    / @chichiwowkorea   Chi Chi WOW Chinese:    / @chichiwowchinese   Chi Chi WOW India:    / @chichiwowindia   Chi Chi WOW Turkish:    / @chichiwowtr   Chi Chi WOW Indonesia:    / @chichiwowindonesia   Chi Chi WOW Vietnam:    / @chichiwowvietnam   Chi Chi WOW Thai:    / @chichiwowthai   Chi Chi WOW Dutch:    / @chichiwowdutch   Don’t forget to turn on notifications, like, & subscribe!