Fishing Knots:Uni Knot Double Line【SUNLINE KNOT SCHOOL】

Fishing Knots:Uni Knot Double Line【SUNLINE KNOT SCHOOL】

Uni Knot Double Line is good for connecting shock leader (fluorocarbon or nylon monofilament) to the hooks or rings. We recommend to use for Bassfishing, Perchfishing, Egingfishing, Breamfishing etc, various genres. And if you like it, please thumbs up! Please check our WEBSITE!! Nylon(monofilament) Fishing Line: Braided Fishing Line: Fluorocarbon Fishing Line: Other Fishing Line: #sunline #fishingknot #sunlineknotschool SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram:  / sunline_overseas   Facebook:  / sunlineoverseas