Fishing Knots:Improved Surgeon's Knot【SUNLINE KNOT SCHOOL】

Fishing Knots:Improved Surgeon's Knot【SUNLINE KNOT SCHOOL】

The Improved Surgeon's Knot is good for connecting main line (Braided line, fluorocarbon or nylon monofilament) and shock leader (fluorocarbon or nylon monofilament) . We recommend to use for bassfishing, eging, Light saltwater fishing. It's very easy to tie. Please check our WEBSITE!! Nylon(monofilament) Fishing Line: Braided Fishing Line: Fluorocarbon Fishing Line: Other Fishing Line: #sunlineknotschool #fishingknot #lurefishing SOCIAL MEDIA: Instagram:  / sunline_overseas   Facebook:  / sunlineoverseas