How To Make The Narcissist Obsessed With You| Stoic Mindset

How To Make The Narcissist Obsessed With You| Stoic Mindset

How To Make The Narcissist Obsessed With You| Stoic Mindset. This video will reveal how to make a narcissist obsessed with you without using emotional games or manipulation. Based on Stoic principles, you will learn how to create an irresistible attraction that will keep them hooked without them having to put in any effort. Watch to discover how to keep them thinking about you without having to put in any effort. Welcome to Stoic Pathways, where you'll find inner peace and strength through the philosophy of Stoicism. Our channel is an oasis amidst the chaos of life, bringing you practical advice, inspiring stories, and profound lessons from great philosophers like Marcus Aurelius, Seneca, and Epictetus. Whether you're seeking balance in life, facing challenges, or simply want to learn more about Stoicism, Stoic Pathways will be your trusted companion on your journey of self-improvement. Click here to subscribe to my channel:    / @stoicpathways28   Thestoicphilosophy #stoicism #stoicmindset #stoicpathways 07:03 : Strategy 1: Take the Initiative to Break Up with the Narcissist 09:43 : Strategy 2: Create Distance to Maintain Balance 12:42 : Strategy 3: The “Hot and Cold” Tactic 14:03 : Strategy 4: Show Your Value 👉 The Glossary of Narcissistic Relationships :    • All About Narcissism & Relationship -...