[기도 찬송] "귀하신 주여 날 붙드사 주께로 날마다 더 가까이" 연속듣기

[기도 찬송] "귀하신 주여 날 붙드사 주께로 날마다 더 가까이" 연속듣기

[기도 찬송] "귀하신 주여 날 붙드사 주께로 날마다 더 가까이" 연속듣기 "하나님을 가까이 하라 그리하면 너희를 가까이 하시리라 죄인들아 손을 깨끗이 하라 두 마음을 품은 자들아 마음을 성결케 하라" (야고보서 4:8) - Nearer, Still Nearer - 1 Nearer, still nearer, close to Thy heart, Draw me, my Savior, precious Thou art; Fold me, O fold me close to Thy breast; Shelter me safe in that "Haven of Rest" Shelter me safe in that "Haven of Rest" 2 Nearer, still nearer, nothing I bring, Naught as an off'ring to Jesus my King; Only my sinful now contrite heart; Grant me the cleansing Thy blood doth impart, Grant me the cleansing Thy blood doth impart 3 Nearer, still nearer, Lord, to be Thine Sin with its follies I gladly resign; All of its pleasures, pomp and its pride, Give me but Jesus, my Lord crucified, Give me but Jesus, my Lord crucified 4 Nearer, still nearer, while life shall last, Till safe in glory my anchor is cast; Thro' endless ages, ever to be Nearer, my Savior, still nearer to Thee, Nearer, my Savior, still nearer to Thee A men #찬송#hymns#귀하신주여날붙드사