Jump Rope + Dumbbell Full Body Workout to Burn Fat, Build Muscle
⏰️ Jump Rope + Dumbbell Full Body Workout 3 Rounds 30 Sec Freestyle 1 Min 8-10 Goblet Squats 3 Rounds 30 Sec Freestyle 1 Min 8-10 Deadlift 3 Rounds 30 Sec Freestyle 1 Min 8-10 Glute Bridge 3 Rounds 30 Sec Freestyle 1 Min 8-10 Bench Press/Floor Press 3 Rounds 30 Seconds Freestyle 1 Min 8-10 Overhead Shoulder Press 3 Rounds 30 Seconds Freestyle 1 Min 8-10 Overhead Tricep Extensions 3 Round 30 Seconds Freestyle 1 Min 8-10 Alternating Bicep Curl (Each Side) 3 Rounds 30 Seconds Freestyle 1 Min 8-10 Lawnmowers (Each Side) ⏲️ Interval Timer: https://go.beasting.app/eAYh 🔥 Grab the FREE 5-Week Beginner Jump Rope Workout Program: https://genxjumps.com/five If you're brand new to jump rope - or fitness - this free program makes it easy to start and build confidence in just 5 weeks. 🔔 Subscribe for No-Nonsense Workouts That Produce Results Short, effective jump rope workouts designed to help you lose weight, get stronger, and actually enjoy exercise. Subscribe and hit the bell so you never miss a video. @GenXJumps 🤘 Welcome to Gen X Jumps The ONLY jump rope fitness channel dedicated to helping Generation X get in shape, burn fat, and stay healthy - without spending hours (or money) at the gym. 🔥 My Go-To Jump Ropes: Crossrope - https://crossrope.com/genx (If you purchase through this link, I may earn a commission at no additional cost to you. Thank you for supporting @GenXJumps!) ⭐ Remember: Every single workout gets you closer to your goal. Progress is progress, no matter how small. Take breaks when you need them, but don’t quit—your future self will thank you. 🚨 Important: Always consult your doctor if you’re new to working out. These videos are for education only, and participating is at your own risk. #fitnessover40 #weightloss #jumpropeforbeginners #jumpropeworkouts #jumpropeexercises #genx #generationx #genxjumps #homeworkouts #jumpropelife #crossrope