You have to wait 48 hours to block someone after unblocking them FB || Facebook block problem
You have to wait 48 hours to block someone after unblocking them || Facebook block problem DISCLAIMER:- This Channel Doesn't Promote r encourage Any illegal Activities, all Contents provided by this channel is meant for EDUCATIONAL PURPOSES only Agar aapko Video Pasand aaya to Video ko like | Share | Comment jarur kare sath me channel ko subscribe Krna na bhule 🔥 ********About Video********* (______Like_____) You have to wait 48 hours to block someone after unblocking them You have to wait 48 hours to block someone after unblocking them Facebook block problemFacebook block problem Facebook friends unblock friends block nahi ho rha hai #Facebookyouhavetowait48hourstoblocksomeoneafterunblovkingthem #facebookfreindsblockproblem #facebookblockfreindskounblockkrnekebadvapisblocknahikarparhekyakarw