I Pray to the Lord | Baptist Music Virtual Ministry

I Pray to the Lord | Baptist Music Virtual Ministry

"I PRAY TO THE LORD" Words and Music by Ron Hamilton Arranged by Shellly Hamilton "I pray to the Lord, and He hears my cry; He sees my heart in despair. I run to His arms like a little child; My Father answers my prayer." I PRAY TO THE LORD (MINUS ONE and SATB DEMO)    • I Pray to the Lord (SATB)   FOR VOCAL GUIDE (Voice) Parts    • I Pray to the Lord (SATB)   Sing with us virtually! [email protected] Join us in BMVM and sing with us virtually! Fill up this form, BMVM Registration and Screening Form: www.bit.ly/bmvmregistrationform #IPraytoTheLord #Baptist #AviewforMissions