#TrialBeforeTheSanhedrin #Evangelization #Gratefulness #EverythingHappensForAReason TOPIC: “EVERYTHING HAPPENS FOR A REASON” - DO YOU ACCEPT THIS? First Reading: Acts 5:27-32, 40B-41 Responsorial Psalm: Psalms 30:2, 4, 5-6, 11-12, 13 Second Reading: Revelation 5:11-14 Gospel: John 21:1-19 Or John 21:1-14 We all have differing circumstances in life and associate with various types of people. There are things we like and dislike. Life always never conforms to our wishes. But both good and bad, likable or not, do us good. They teach us lessons. They are blessings. That is, if we allow our self to learn from them. This is the 754th installment of our CFC contemplation series focusing on the daily liturgical readings. [NOTE: All the regular reflections are between 3-7 minutes long, enough time for us to ponder what God's message is for us individually and to pray that we may live them out in our lives. This video is also available on Couples for Christ’s and Bong Arjonillo’s Facebook pages. In You Tube, just type ONLY BY GRACE REFLECTIONS]