Doggy Paddle Swimming Technique For Beginners | Breathe Easily by Swimming Dog Paddle
Learn doggy paddle swimming technique by watching this step-by-step video. In this video, Johnny Rocket breaks down the steps to master this fun and unique swimming style. Whether you're looking for a playful way to enjoy the water or want to swim with your head above water, Johnny's expert guidance has got you covered. Key Highlights: 1: Learn the gentle flutter kick for the perfect doggy paddle. 2: Discover the right arm movements and balance tips. 3: Get insights into maintaining stability and reducing resistance. 4: Find out how to keep your head above water effortlessly. To perform the Doggy Paddle effectively: Keep the legs underwater at a downward angle to maintain balance and reduce splashing. Use a gentle flutter kick for the legs. Employ a scooping motion with the arms, similar to how children often paddle in the water. Alternatively, use an extended freestyle pull with a slight lateral movement for balance. Angle the hand like a pizza slicer to minimize resistance during hand movement. Stay connected: Email: [email protected] Instagram: / rocketswimming TikTok: / rocketswimming Twitter: / rocketswimming Facebook: / rocket-swimming-107235724346104 Our Official Website https://rocketswimming.com/ Our Sponsors SwimCapz http://swimcapz.com/ - Best Custom Made Swimming Caps TGR https://tgraustin.com/ - The best BarbersShop in Austin Tx ~-~~-~~~-~~-~ Please watch: "Adult Beginner Swimming Lessons | How To Swim" • Adult Beginner Swimming Lessons | How...