BEST WAY to WATER GRASS SEED. Time of day, how much, how long
Are you planting new grass or simply seeding your lawn and wondering when do you water grass seed, best way to water grass seed or how to water grass seed in the summer? Products Used in Todays Video ========================== 🛒 Headway G fungicide Amazon (PAID LINK): https://amzn.to/3NVJjUB Domyown (PAID LINK): http://shrsl.com/1a0sc-xcz-jzmv0o_1-1 🛒 Perennial Rye Turf Star RPR Amazon (PAID LINK): https://amzn.to/3jtDRXs 🛒 Ryan Knorr Elite Perrenial Ryegrass - https://tinyurl.com/5pb994dk At the end of the day the secret to growing grass is proper watering. There are a few rules to follow First off, if you're using a sprinkler system you need to make sure your sprinklers are properly adjusted. Calculate your output by doing a water output cupt test. If you're not familiar with that test see myallgreen.com/watering and do the video exercise at the end of the page. The water output cupt test will also help you understand how much water is coming out per zone. Second follow your local extensions to the agricultural department guidelines for how many inches of water per week your lawn needs. this will help you establish a base line of how much evaporation is occuring in your local area. The trick to seeding is keeping the seed damp at all times throughout the day and night. Which means its best to do small increments of watering throughout the day. I prefer to water every 2 hours after 10am to 7PM. then again at 10pm, 1am, 4am and 7am when its hot outside. when its cold outside I'm watering at 11am, 3pm, 7pm, midnight, and 5am in small small small increments. again the entire exercise revolves around keeping the seed damp and not overly wet. If you're overseeding a lawn its best to use a fungicide like headway g to help prevent dollar spot, pythium blight and melting out disease. Thanks for tuning in! I specialize in solving lawn problems and implementing strategies to fix lawn problems. Weather you have crabgrass that's not dying, too much thatch, lawn fungus, over watering problems or an ugly lawn there's not a lawn problem I can't solve. Try the Ginja 5 Steps to diagnosing a lawn you'll be glad you did. Don't forget to checkout my playlist.