How to Build a DIY Home Aquaponics System for Free

How to Build a DIY Home Aquaponics System for Free

Everything in this aquaponics system was collected for free, scavenged, found or traded, and upcycled into a thriving aquaponics system . By following basic fundamentals, you too can build a DIY aquaponics system for free. Check out this link to see the online aquaponics course that shows you how to create your own aquaponics system (so much value in this course) found here: Small space, easy to run and build. When asked how expensive is aquaponics to build? I said it can be cheap, if you are willing to learn and implement basic fundamentals. So, they challenged me to build one for under $50AUD. I did it for free! Everything is recycled in some way, and if I can do this, so can others! This shows how perfect aquaponics can be, even if you have a tight budget! Have you enjoyed the video and would like to "Buy me a Coffee" to show appreciation, I'd be very grateful. Pop over here: 🐟 Remember to LIKE and SUBSCRIBE to never miss a video for how to build and look after your aquaponics system. They come out twice weekly :-) 🌿 🍃 💦💦************************************* FREE Stuff ************************************* 💦💦 🐟 For your FREE Aquaponics Essentials COURSE & Book helps you to identify what type of system will work best for you as well as the key PARTS needed + what your NEXT steps are. Find it here: 🌿 🍃 💦💦************************************* Courses ************************************* 💦💦 Want your BLUEPRINT to build your own small aquaponics system that fits in a courtyard? Everything you need to know from START TO FINISH to build, run and maintain your aquaponics system, I've got you covered. 🌿 🍃 No more surfing through YouTube to try and put the pieces together, and missing things ~ it's all here, made SIMPLE for you: 🌿 🍃 💦💦 ******************************* Books For You *********************************** 💦💦 🐟 I've gotten my writing groove on, and with the intention to simplify aquaponics and make it clear and easy to understand, I've broken it all down in various books in case you are someone who understands by reading better. Check them out here: 🌿🍃 💦💦 **************************** Connect in Other Ways *********************************💦💦 🐟 I love being silly, playful and entertaining on reels, as well as giving regular info and tips both written and video. Catch up with me here: 🌿 🍃   / theaquaponicslady     / candy_the_aquaponics_lady      / @candytheaquaponicslady     / candy-r-alexander     / candy_aquaponics_lady Timecodes: 0:00 Intro 0:58 What Does Aquaponics Need 2:08 Aquaponics Biofilter and Plumbing 2:54 How to Plumb the aquaponics growbed 6:31 Aquaponics Pump Plumbing 7:20 Mechanical Filtration 7:51 Veggie Growing area 11:38 Running the DIY Aquaponics System 13:29 DIY Aquaponics Filtration #aquaponics #aquaponicsystem #howtoaquaponic #candytheaquaponicslady #simpleaquaponics #easyaquaponics #selfsufficientbackyard #diyhomeaquaponics #sustainability #permaculture #smallspacegardening