Bodybuilding Contest Prep - Peak / Death Week | Biglee Tamil

Bodybuilding Contest Prep - Peak / Death Week | Biglee Tamil

#bodybuilding #contestpre #carbloading #vascularity #peakweek #bodybuildingcontest *************************** Book your one-on-one consultation with Dr Biglee - *************************** Bodybuilding contest prep is always tricky. In this video i will take deep dive into the concept of peak week also know as death week in my dictionary. We will look into the following concepts When should one do his last heavy workout? carb depletion , zero carb diet, depletion workout ideas. water in water out, carb loading, getting dry condition, vascularity, back stage pump, tan etc This video will give you an entire overview of what you should do in the last few days leading to a bodybuilding contest / photo shoot. ________ Gym clothing wear that i trust - Discount code : BIGLEE20 ________ ________ My supplement brand recommendation - Discount code SNBIGLEE ________ follow me @ Instagram -   / bigleemural​​​i   Tamil Instagram -   / getfitwithbiglee   Twitter -   / bigleemurali​​​   Facebook -   / coachbiglee​   Linkedin -   / bigleemurali   website -