OCT 29 Beyond the Walls Online Church 2023

OCT 29 Beyond the Walls Online Church 2023

For the fifth of our nine Enduring Principles Sundays as we explore the “Sacredness of Creation,” we receive ministry from the North America Climate Justice Team. The climate crisis has become an existential emergency for humanity which Paul Bethel will address in our message from Huntingdon, California. Andrew Fellows of Derby, England, will teach our Peace Lesson. Our invocation will be given by Dean Wight, and scripture will be read by Joan Thompson and Laurie Gordon. In Community of Christ we believe that God has called us all to be faithful stewards of the Earth, but human shortsightedness and greed have compromised the natural systems we all depend on. What can we do to promote peace on and for the Earth in the 21st century? Worship with the Beyond the Walls community on Facebook or YouTube: 📅 Sunday, October 29, 2023. ⏰12:00 PM or 6:00 PM EDT. ORDER OF WORSHIP Prelude: 1. Berceuse from Escenas Poéticas by Enrique Granados Greetings: John Hamer – Toronto Centre Place Call to Worship: Joan Thompson — Kitchener, Ontario Opening Hymn: CCS - Morning Has Broken Invocation: Dean Wight Peace Lesson: Andrew Fellows — Derby, England, UK Global Welcome: Leandro Palacios – Toronto Centre Place Hymn CCS 145 - Restless Weaver Lectionary: Laurie Gordon Sermon: Paul Bethel — Huntington Beach, California Meditation on the Message: Leandro Palacios Closing Hymn: CCS 99 - Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee Sending Forth: John Hamer Postlude: IV. Gigue from Suite in G Minor (HWV 452) by George Frideric Handel All music performed by the Beyond the Walls Choir and Michael Karpowicz. COPYRIGHT INFORMATION: ONE LICENSE LICENSING PERMISSION: REPRINTED / PODCAST / STREAMED WITH PERMISSION UNDER ONE LICENSE A-739874. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Beyond the Walls is an online worship service offering live ministry in English, French, and Spanish from locations around the world. Our global congregation meets every Sunday at 12:00 pm EDT / 11:00 am CDT / 10:00 am MDT / 9:00 am PDT. All are welcome at this inclusive church service. Beyond the Walls is brought to you by Toronto Congregation of Community of Christ. Support our mission at https://www.centreplace.ca/donate Beyond the Walls es un servicio de culto en línea que ofrece ministerio en directo en inglés, francés y español desde lugares de todo el mundo. Nuestra congregación global se reúne todos los domingos a las 12:00 pm EDT / 11:00 am CDT / 10:00 am MDT / 9:00 am PDT. Todos son bienvenidos a este culto inclusivo. Beyond the Walls es una iniciativa de la Congregación de Toronto de la Comunidad de Cristo. Apoya nuestra misión en https://www.centreplace.ca/donate Beyond the Walls est un service d'adoration en ligne qui propose un ministère en direct en anglais, en français et en espagnol depuis des sites du monde entier. Notre congrégation mondiale se réunit chaque dimanche à 12h00 EDT / 11h00 CDT / 10h00 MDT / 9h00 PDT. Tous sont les bienvenus à ce service religieux inclusif. Beyond the Walls vous est présenté par Communauté du Christ Toronto. #cofchrist #centreplace @CofChrist