20 MIN Skipping Cardio Workout | Jump Rope Full Body HIIT | Burn Calories Fast!

20 MIN Skipping Cardio Workout | Jump Rope Full Body HIIT | Burn Calories Fast!

Elevate your fitness routine with a jump rope workout, which can boost cardio, build endurance, and torch calories.This is a full-body training that involves rotating through different exercises with limited rest in between.It’s a great workout for those who get bored easily or are short on time. This workout includes 20 full body exercises each of whom performed for 30 Sec followed by 30 Sec break and to the next one .Hope you enjoy it! If you do need additional rest please take it, but limit those extra rests to obtain the best results. If you don't have a skipping rope you can just pretend. -- LINKS -- 📸 Instagram   / niccoofitt   🥜 High protein snacks   / c64dkpdtsqt   🎥 YouTube Subscribe -    • 10 minute Abs TWISTER | Get results!   👟 Steps hack -   / c7d3t1knjvd   DISCLAIMER: Any fitness exercises performed without supervision carry risk. If you perform this workout you are doing it at your own risk and are voluntarily participating. To avoid any injury or harm you need to consult with your Doctor/ Physician before you start exercising. NicoFit is not responsible nor liable for any injury or harm you sustain as a result of performing this fitness workout.