God of War Ragnarok PC Ultra Settings - Epic Gameplay Walkthrough Part 12

God of War Ragnarok PC Ultra Settings - Epic Gameplay Walkthrough Part 12

   / @pr0n00b07   Like / Share / Subscribe if you enjoyed the content. :) In this episode, Kratos and Freya join hands to find Atreus and find about his own fate. Join for an epic action adventure and see what happens next. Don't forget to subscribe for future episodes. #GodOfWarRagnarok #GodOfWarPC #Kratos #Atreus #PCGaming #RagnarokGameplay #GodOfWarWalkthrough #GamingCommunity #EpicGames #ActionAdventure #PCMasterRace #GamePlaythrough #FirstLook #4kgameplay #walkthrough #gameplay #actionrpg #ragnarok #godofwar #gow #sindri #loki #kratos #atreusplays 00:00 Journey Continues 05:52 Journey to Midguard 08:57 New Region: Lake of Nine 10:29 New Region: The Derelict Outpost 26:40 New Region: Raider Fort 36:08 New Region: Shores of Nine 1:00:42 New Region: King's Grave 1:22:45 Frost Phantom Boss Fight 1:27:24 Hallucination Begins 1:32:28 New Region: Well of Urd 1:34:41 Prophecies, Fate and all