God of War Ragnarok PC Ultra Settings - Epic Gameplay Walkthrough Part 16
/ @pr0n00b07 Like / Share / Subscribe if you enjoyed the content. :) In this episode, Kratos and Atreus are returning the moon in Vanaheim. Join for an epic ride and enjoy. We are also fighting Heimdall in this episode. #GodOfWarRagnarok #GodOfWarPC #Kratos #Atreus #PCGaming #RagnarokGameplay #GodOfWarWalkthrough #GamingCommunity #EpicGames #ActionAdventure #PCMasterRace #GamePlaythrough #FirstLook #4kgameplay #walkthrough #gameplay #actionrpg #ragnarok #godofwar #gow #sindri #loki #kratos #atreusplays 00:00 Return to Sindri's Home 13:45 Journey To Vanaheim 24:50 Freya's Camp 41:21 Meet the Celestial Wolves 50:27 Retrieving the Moon 57:40 Returning the Moon 01:07:48 Returning to Freya's Camp 01:23:54 Blatonn Boss Fight 01:28:50 Changing Day and Night 01:29:30 Heimdall Boss Fight 01:48:12 Rescuing Freyr 01:49:32 Freyr's Ship 01:51:35 Dragons 01:52:17 Birgir's Sacrifice