Turmeric Marbled Sourdough Bread

Turmeric Marbled Sourdough Bread

Turmeric Marbled Sourdough Bread An open crumb sourdough bread with swirls of turmeric. Ingredients: (1755g dough, 80% hydration) 175g sourdough starter (100% hydration) 700g strong wheat flour (14% proteins) 100g whole wheat flour 70g spelt flour 685g water 18g salt 7g turmeric Method: 00:00 - Intro 00:15 - Scaling 00:34 - Mix water + flours 01:28 - Sourdough Starter 02:08 - Salt 02:39 - Divide & Stretch & Fold + Turmeric 05:31 - Lamination 07:36 - Coil fold 1 08:05 - Coil fold 2 08:35 - Coil fold 3 09:02 - Shape 10:44 - Score 13:13 - Bake 13:53 - Cool 14:09 - Cut Full recipe and instructions on my blog at http://www.hungryshots.com/2021/12/tu... I described in detail the autolyse process in another video of my channel:    • Autolyse. How to make better sourdoug...   If you would like to see more videos from me, please subscribe to my channel. #sourdough #bread #sourdoughbread