BioShock 2 Remastered  Gameplay Walkthrough Part 6 - No Commentary - 2sOdarK Gaming

BioShock 2 Remastered Gameplay Walkthrough Part 6 - No Commentary - 2sOdarK Gaming

BioShock 2 Remastered Gameplay Walkthrough Part 6 - No Commentary - 2sOdarK Gaming BioShock 2 begins on New Year's Eve 1958. Subject Delta, a Big Daddy, patrols Rapture with Eleanor, his Little Sister. Eleanor's mother, Sofia Lamb, separates the pair and forces Delta to kill himself. Delta awakens in 1968, resurrected by Little Sisters under the control of Eleanor. The scientist Brigid Tenenbaum informs Delta that he will die unless he finds Eleanor due to their pair bond. With the help of Eleanor and the entrepreneur Augustus Sinclair, Delta makes his way to Eleanor in Sofia Lamb's stronghold. Traveling through the city, Delta encounters members of Lamb's Rapture Family, and can choose whether to kill or spare them. Delta learns Lamb plans to use ADAM to transfer the minds and memories of everyone in Rapture into Eleanor to create a selfless leader. Lamb sends Splicers and armored Big Sisters to stop Delta, to no effect. Delta arrives at the containment chamber where Eleanor is held, but Lamb captures him and severs his bond to Eleanor by temporarily stopping Eleanor's heart. Though Eleanor survives, Delta begins to slowly die as the bond cannot be re-established. Eleanor transforms herself into a Big Sister to spring Delta from confinement. Together they head for an escape pod that Sinclair has arranged to leave Rapture. The two find that Lamb has converted Sinclair into another Big Daddy, and is forced to kill him. Eleanor and Delta make it to the escape pod, but Delta is mortally wounded by a bomb. The game's ending depends on how the player interacted with the Little Sisters they encountered, and the fates of the members of the Rapture Family. In total there are eight different endings that the player can see. Eleanor can save her mother or leave her to drown, depending on whether the player spared or killed the non-player characters. If Delta rescued all of the Little Sisters and spares all of the Rapture family when given the choice, he will die in Eleanor's arms, the weather will be sunny and clear, and she will absorb his personality and memories and leave Rapture with the Little Sisters to change the world for the better. If Delta harvested all of the Little Sisters and kills all of the Rapture family when given the choice, then the weather is stormy, and Eleanor will extract Delta's ADAM and become bent on world domination. A mix between rescuing and harvesting the Little Sisters gives the player a choice; Eleanor can absorb his ADAM, or Delta can stop her and die, in which case Eleanor will mourn his death and choose to make her own way in life. bioshock 2 trailer, bioshock 2 ending, bioshock 2 review, bioshock 2 gameplay, bioshock 2 explained, bioshock 2 rap, bioshock 2 multiplayer, bioshock 2 soundtrack, bioshock 2 all endings, bioshock 2 audio diaries, bioshock 2 all weapon upgrades, bioshock 2 all collectibles, bioshock 2 all cutscenes, bioshock 2 all plasmids