BioShock Remastered Gameplay Walkthrough Part 6 - No Commentary - 2sOdarK Gaming

BioShock Remastered Gameplay Walkthrough Part 6 - No Commentary - 2sOdarK Gaming

BioShock Remastered Gameplay Walkthrough Part 6 - No Commentary - 2sOdarK Gaming In 1960, at the start of the game, the protagonist, Jack, is a passenger on a plane that goes down in the Atlantic Ocean.[9][10] As the only survivor, Jack makes his way to a nearby lighthouse that houses a bathysphere terminal that takes him to Rapture.[11] Jack is contacted by Atlas via radio, and is guided to safety from the Splicers and the perils of the run-down city. Atlas requests Jack's help in stopping Ryan, directing him to a docked bathysphere where he claims Ryan has trapped his family. When Jack encounters a wandering Little Sister and her fallen Big Daddy, Atlas urges Jack to kill the Little Sister to harvest her ADAM for himself; Dr. Tenenbaum overhears this and intercepts Jack before he harms the Little Sister, urging him to spare the child and any other Little Sisters he encounters, providing him with a plasmid that would force the sea slug out of her body.[12] Jack eventually works his way to the bathysphere, but Ryan destroys it before Jack can reach it. Infuriated, Atlas directs Jack towards Ryan's mansion through Ryan's army of Splicers and Big Daddies. At times, Jack is forced to travel through areas controlled by Ryan's allies that have now become deranged, such as the mad doctor J.S. Steinman or Sander Cohen, a former musician and art dealer who now takes enjoyment in watching the death and misery of others. Eventually, Jack enters Ryan's office, where Ryan is patiently waiting for Jack by casually playing golf. Ryan explains he fully knew of Atlas' plan, and explains that Jack is his illegitimate child, taken from his mother by Fontaine who placed him out of Ryan's reach on the surface, and genetically modified to age rapidly. Fontaine had planned to use Jack as a trump card in his war with Ryan, bringing him back to Rapture when the time was right; Jack's genetics would allow him to access systems such as the bathysphere that Ryan had locked out long ago. With no place to run, Ryan is willing to accept death by his own free will, quoting one of his principles: "A man chooses. A slave obeys." He asks Jack "would you kindly" kill him with the golf club, and Jack is compelled to do so.[13] As Ryan dies, Jack becomes aware that the phrase "would you kindly" has preceded many of Atlas' commands as a hypnotic trigger forcing him to follow Atlas' orders without question; a flashback reveals Jack himself was responsible for crashing his plane near the lighthouse after reading a letter containing the trigger phrase. Atlas reveals himself as Fontaine, having used the Atlas alias to hide his identity while providing a figure for the lower class to rally behind. Without Ryan, Fontaine takes over control of Ryan's systems and leaves Jack to die as he releases hostile security drones into Ryan's locked office. Jack is saved by Dr. Tenenbaum and the Little Sisters who had previously been rescued. Dr. Tenenbaum helps Jack to remove Fontaine's conditioned responses, including one that would have stopped his heart. With the help of the Little Sisters, Jack makes his way to Fontaine's lair to face him. Fontaine, being cornered by Jack, injects himself with a large amount of ADAM, becoming an inhuman monster. The Little Sisters aid Jack in draining the ADAM in Fontaine's body and eventually killing him. The ending depends on how the player interacted with the Little Sisters: If the player rescues all of the Little Sisters (or harvests only one of them), Jack takes them back to the surface with him and adopts five of them as his daughters, and Tenenbaum happily narrates how they go on to live full lives under his care, eventually surrounding him on his deathbed. This ending is considered canon in BioShock Infinite: Burial at Sea. If the player harvests more than one Little Sister, Jack turns on the Little Sisters to harvest their ADAM.[14] Tenenbaum sadly narrates what occurred, condemning Jack and his actions. A US Navy submarine then comes across the wreckage of the plane and finds itself suddenly surrounded by bathyspheres containing Splicers who attack the crew and take control of it. The submarine is revealed to be carrying nuclear missiles, with Tenenbaum claiming that Jack has now "stolen the terrible secrets of the world":[15] the more Little Sisters are harvested, the harsher and more furious Tenenbaum's narrative becomes.[16] bioshock 1 remastered gameplay, bioshock 1 remastered trailer, bioshock 1 remastered vs original, bioshock 1 remastered review, bioshock 1 remastered walkthrough, bioshock 1 remastered all audio diaries, bioshock 1 remastered full gameplay, bioshock 1 remastered all endings, bioshock 1 remastered all cutscenes, bioshock 1 remastered all collectibles