BioShock Infinite Gameplay Walkthrough Part 6 - No Commentary - 2sOdarK Gaming

BioShock Infinite Gameplay Walkthrough Part 6 - No Commentary - 2sOdarK Gaming

BioShock Infinite Gameplay Walkthrough Part 6 - No Commentary - 2sOdarK Gaming In July 1912, Booker DeWitt is taken by Robert and Rosalind Lutece to an island lighthouse off the coast of Maine. Told to "bring us the girl and wipe away the debt," Booker enters the lighthouse, which doubles as a rocket silo and transports him to Columbia.[33] Booker is soon pursued by the city authority when he is found bearing a scar of the letters "AD," matching the description of the foretold "False Shepherd" who will corrupt Elizabeth and overthrow Columbia.[34][35] Freeing Elizabeth from her tower, Booker narrowly evades her captor, The Songbird. Reaching an airship, Booker promises to take Elizabeth to Paris; when she realizes they are going to New York City to wipe away Booker's debt, a tearful Elizabeth knocks him out. Booker awakens to find the airship under the control of Daisy Fitzroy, who offers to return the ship if Booker helps her arm the Vox Populi. Booker and Elizabeth join forces to secure weapons from a local gunsmith. However, several twists of fate result in Elizabeth having to overlay the contents of various Tears onto the present reality. Ultimately, they land in a world where Booker is a martyr of the Vox Populi whose "sacrifice" sparked open warfare between the two factions. Fitzroy, convinced that the non-dead Booker is "either an impostor, or a ghost," turns her forces against him. With Booker's help, Elizabeth kills Fitzroy to prevent her from executing a Founder boy. As they attempt to leave by airship, the Songbird attacks the duo and they crash back to Columbia. Continuing onwards, they unravel a conspiracy behind the city's founding: Zachary Hale Comstock had the Lutece twins construct a "Siphon" device to inhibit Elizabeth's powers; Elizabeth is Comstock's adopted daughter, whom he plans to groom into taking over after his death; and Comstock plotted to kill his wife and the Luteces to hide the truth. Elizabeth is again captured by the Songbird, and as Booker pursues, he ends up brought forward in time to 1984 by an elderly Elizabeth, showing him the devastation that Columbia is causing while attacking New York City. The older Elizabeth prepares to return Booker to 1912 and gives him information on controlling the Songbird, in hopes he can recover her younger self and erase the years of torture and brainwashing she had suffered in becoming Comstock's tool.[36] Once returned, Booker rescues Elizabeth, and the pair pursue Comstock to his airship. Comstock demands that Booker explain Elizabeth's past to her and the two begin to argue; an enraged Booker smashes the back of Comstock's skull on a baptismal font before drowning him. Booker denies knowledge about Elizabeth's missing little finger, but she asserts that he has simply forgotten. Controlling the Songbird, the pair fend off a massive Vox Populi attack, before ordering the Songbird to destroy the Siphon. As the Songbird turns on Booker again, Elizabeth's powers fully awaken, allowing her to open a Tear and transport them to the underwater city of Rapture.[b] Booker and Elizabeth materialize inside the city, from where they see the Songbird crushed outside by the water pressure.[37] Elizabeth takes Booker to the surface lighthouse, explaining there are countless alternate lighthouses and versions of Booker and Elizabeth; they are within one of infinite possible realities dependent on their choices.[38] She shows that on October 8, 1893, Robert Lutece approached Booker on behalf of Comstock, requesting that he "bring us the girl and wipe away the debt," referring to Booker's infant daughter, Anna DeWitt – Booker's "AD" branding. Booker reluctantly agreed, but, having changed his mind, soon gives chase; Comstock barely escaped through a Tear, and its closing severed Anna's finger. Comstock then raised Anna as his own daughter, Elizabeth; her severed finger, which caused her to exist in two realities simultaneously, is the source of her ability to create Tears.[39] Robert Lutece, angry at Comstock's actions, convinced Rosalind to help him bring Booker to the reality where Columbia exists to rescue Elizabeth.[32][39] It is also revealed that Booker in fact willingly agreed to come to Columbia to save his daughter, but the mental strain of crossing dimensions caused him to rewrite his own memories such that he combined giving Anna away with his attempt to secure Elizabeth. bioshock infinite trailer, bioshock infinite soundtrack, bioshock infinite ending, bioshock infinite review, bioshock infinite gameplay, bioshock infinite explained, bioshock infinite god only knows, bioshock infinite burial at sea, bioshock infinite ambience, bioshock infinite all endings