Most of us know about the health benefits of guava fruit. But we’re unaware of the fact that even guava leaves, which many of us toss in the trash straight away, have several medicinal properties and offer an array of health benefits. Packed with antioxidants, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory agents and beneficial tannins, fresh guava leaves are considered a natural pain reliever amongst other things. The chemicals contained in these leaves, such as polyphenols, carotenoids, flavonoids and tannins, can also be extremely effective in treating various diseases. Because of the side effects resulting from the use of medicines and drugs, herbal plants like guava are being increasingly considered for the treatment of various diseases. Thanks to its natural origin and impressive medicinal properties, guava leaf is now available in supplement form, in either capsules or guava leaf tea. Let’s get into exactly how guava leaves can be used for good health: 1. Aid in Weight Loss There's some evidence that guava leaf may bolster your weight loss efforts, so drinking tea made from guava leaves has become quite popular. Simply drinking guava leaf tea probably won’t help you lose weight, but it may help to curb your appetite and regulate your metabolism, and it’s a great calorie-free drink option. You can make guava leaf tea using fresh or dried guava leaves. Drink the tea before eating a meal or in place of your morning coffee to reap the guava leaf’s weight loss benefits. 2. Beneficial for Diabetics Guava leaves are a great snack option for diabetics with a low glycaemic index. Being very rich in dietary fibre that helps ease constipation, a common diabetic complaint, guava leaf can also lower the chance of developing type-2 diabetes in the first place. According to research conducted in Japan, guava leaf tea can effectively lower blood glucose in diabetics. It may also prevent the absorption of sucrose by the body, resultantly lowering blood sugar levels. Drinking guava leaf tea for 12 weeks has been found to lower blood sugar levels without increasing insulin production. 3. Lower Cholesterol Research has proved that drinking guava leaf tea for 3 months can lead to reduction in LDL or “bad” cholesterol and triglycerides without any adverse effect on good cholesterol. Additionally, guava leaves are a great liver tonic. Not many people know that the cholesterol in your blood comes from two sources: the foods you eat and your liver. Your liver makes all the cholesterol your body needs, and guava leaves are thought to help detoxify the liver and prevent over-production of LDL cholesterol. 4. Treatment of Diarrhea and Dysentery Guava leaves have been used for years as an ancient herbal remedy for diarrhea and dysentery. For treating diarrhea, boil 30 grams of guava leaves with a handful of rice flour, then add the liquid to a glass of water and drink it twice a day. In the case of dysentery, cut the roots and leaves of the guava plant and boil them for 20 minutes at a temperature of 90 degrees Celsius. Strain the water and drink in moderation until relieved. We can’t promise it’ll taste great, but there has to be a reason why this natural remedy has been passed down from generation to generation for so many years. 5. Aids in Digestion Guava leaf tea aids in digestion by stimulating digestive enzyme production. The powerful antibacterial agents kill bacteria in the lining of the gut and prevent the proliferation of toxic enzymes by bacteria. Guava leaves are particularly beneficial in treating food poisoning, and can also soothe vomiting and nausea. To relieve stomach ache, boil 8 guava leaves in 1.5 litres of water and drink three times a day. This is another ancient remedy that many families around the world still rely on as a natural stomach ache treatment today. 6. Treatment of Bronchitis Due to their high content of quercetin, which is a natural antihistamine, guava leaves are even useful in treating allergies and bronchitis. It’s thought that a mug of guava leaf tea is effective in treating bronchitis by opening up the airways, loosening mucus and soothing chesty coughs accompanied by allergies and inflammation. However, research on this area is lacking, so we can’t guarantee the success of this one. 7. Treatment of Toothaches, Sore Throats and Gum Disease Due to their anti-inflammatory qualities, fresh guava leaves can relieve a whole host of aches and pains, including tooth ache, gum disease and mouth sores. They can also treat sore throats when gargled on a regular basis. The antibacterial, antiplaque, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant agents found in these leaves can protect the teeth and gums and help maintain their strength. They also help keep your breath fresh and clean, and for these reasons, guava leaves are used as an ingredient in natural toothpastes and mouth fresheners.