The Last of Us 2 Remastered | Seattle Day 1: Hostile Territory - All Collectible Locations (Abby)
Its time to platinum The Last of Us Part 2 Remastered. Quick and to the point guide for Seattle Day 1 as Abby, spoiler free... maybe. Find the locations of all trophy collectibles. Finding all the collectibles will unlock the following trophies. This will help towards other trophies, like upgrading guns etc... Archivist - Find all artifacts and journal entries Master Set - Find all trading cards Prepared for the Worst - Find all workbenches High Calibre - Find all weapons Numismatist - Find all coins Safe Cracker - Unlock every safe Journeyman - Find all training manuals Relic of the Sages - Find the strange artifact Mint Condition - Find 5 coins In the Field - Find 12 workbenches Sightseer - Visit every location in downtown Seattle So Great and Small - Find the engraved ring Starter Set - Find 5 trading cards All TLOU2 Collectibles for Chapter: Seattle Day 1 (Abby) Hostile Territory 00:00 Bonus Artifact (Not a Collectible) 00:28 Artifacts 1/12 00:59 Training Manual 01:10 Coins 1/1 01:42 Safes 1/1 02:08 Artifacts 2/12 02:59 Artifacts 3/12 03:15 Artifacts 4/12 (Trophy: Relic of the Sages) 03:31 Weapon - Double Barrel Shotgun 03:48 Artifacts 5/12 04:15 Artifacts 6/12 04:23 Artifacts 7/12 04:32 Artifacts 8/12 04:52 Artifacts 9/12 05:04 Artifacts 10/12 05:13 Artifacts 11/12 05:29 Gun Holster 05:49 Artifacts 12/12 06:25 Workbench 1/1 Next Chapter: • The Last of Us 2 Remastered | Seattle... TLOU2 Playlist | All Collectibles Guide: • The Last of Us 2 Remastered Collectib... #tlou2collectables #trophyguide #tlou2remastered Subscribe if you love gaming!