Anti Aging Resistance Training - Pharmacist Ben Fuchs - Moment of Truth
While Americans spend over 140 billion dollars a year on various anti-aging products and protocols including surgeries, devices, medications and nutritional supplements. The best way to slow down the aging process is simply to eat less food. In fact, laboratory research has repeatedly and consistently shown that calorie restriction has dramatic anti-aging benefits. Strategic supplementation with the mighty 90 essential nutrients is important. Breathing techniques can help too. Proper oxygenation has anti-inflammatory effects and can improve blood flow to organs, glands, connective tissue and muscle. Speaking of muscle, nothing beats resistance training for keeping the body's musculoskeletal system robust, flexible, resilient and youthful, because many of the distressing symptoms of getting older show up in our appearance. Bodybuilding can have profound beneficial effects on our sense of aging and that's where resistance training comes in. No gym membership is required. You can get a great workout at home with a couple of pairs of dumbbells and exercise bands. You don't need a lot of time either. Working out two or three muscle groups takes only 10 minutes a day and you can do your whole body in an hour or so a week. Don't forget your face. A few facial exercises you can do include holding and maintaining a wide grin, keeping one eye and the other in a wide open and then a half wink position and by lifting your eyebrows up and out with your fingers then using your facial muscles to resist the pull. Find more Alternative Empowering articles, videos and sign up for our newsletter at: http://criticalhealthnews.com/?uid=10... Click Here To Subscribe: https://bit.ly/2GO9Cvn Follow Us On Twitter: / criticalhealthn Follow Us On Facebook: / criticalhealthnews Image by Ryan Hoyme from Pixabay: https://pixabay.com/illustrations/exe... #BenFuchs #CriticalHealthNews #Nutrition #Coast2CoastAM