Full Body Pilates Stretching for Strength Scripture based Christian Fitness 10 MIN Exercise Workout

Full Body Pilates Stretching for Strength Scripture based Christian Fitness 10 MIN Exercise Workout

This Total Body Pilates for the Soul Workout is full of prayer, Scriptures and encouragement! I love using the stability ball in my workouts and as a desk chair in my office. It is so helpful for my hips and back. You can do these exercises and stretches with or without a ball and they are for all Fitness Levels. This is the day the Lord has made, let's rejoice and be glad in it! Psalm 118:24 Thank You Father for this day! Thank you that we can exercise together and for all our blessings! We are so grateful! We love You LORD! Would you like to know how to strengthen your Spirit, mind and body all at the same time? We are shaping our bodies and hearts for God's purposes! Thank you so much for joining me today! Blessings! Theresa Rowe ‪@shapedbyfaith‬ Music: Alive Worship __________________________________ Shaped by Faith SHOP! Special CODES at CHECKOUT! Workout Downloads plus Scripture inspired DVDs, CDs, Apparel & more! https://shapedbyfaith.myshopify.com ___________________________________________ Hope you'll LIKE, COMMENT & SHARE the video to encourage others! Click the BELL for notifications on new videos. Join me on Website, TikTok, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn & Instagram: https://www.shapedbyfaith.com/   / shapedbyfaith     / theresarowe8     / theresalrowe     / shapedbyfaith     / theresa-rowe-58844b1b   ______________________________________________ Tune in to Shaped by Faith with Theresa Rowe Television Show: https://nrbtv.org/show/shaped-by-faith/ https://www.global7.tv/channel/shaped... https://faithunveilednetwork.com https://inspiration.org/tv/show/shape... http://gracetv.co/ https://safetv.org/ https://www.tlnmedia.com/chicago-live https://www.tlnmedia.com/san-francisc... https://www.ctntv.org/ https://christianmix106.com/on-demand https://abundanttv.com/watch-now/ https://www.canyonstar.tv/program-gro... https://ctnonline.com/affiliate/wybu-tv World Trumpet TV FREE PURE FLIX TRIAL https://app.pureflix.com/series/49421... Disclaimer: We strongly recommend that you consult with your physician before beginning any exercise program. You should be in good physical condition and be able to participate in the exercise. Shaped By Faith is not a licensed medical care provider and represents that it has no expertise in diagnosing, examining, or treating medical conditions of any kind, or in determining the effect of any specific exercise on a medical condition. #health #fitness #workout #pilates