The Last of Us Part II (Chapter 20: Road To Aquarium Collectibles Guide)

The Last of Us Part II (Chapter 20: Road To Aquarium Collectibles Guide)

Tutorial made by BRGKasumi77 Welcome back to The Last Of Us Part II Collectibles Guide 2023! Here's the 20th chapter collectibles video, so I hope you enjoy this one! Chapter 20 Collectibles Summary: Artifacts: 3 Trading Cards: 4 Journal Entries: 1 Workbenches: 2 Timeline: 00:00 Trading Card #1: Esquire 00:45 Trading Card #2: Tormentra 01:53 Workbench #1 02:07 Artifact #1: Garage Note 02:27 Trading Card #3: Tanager 02:56 Artifact #2: Bookstore Note 03:21 Journal Entry #1 03:37 Artifact #3: Textile Note 03:57 Workbench #2 04:25 Trading Card #4: Tatuaje That's all the collectibles from this chapter. See you in the next video! FB Page:   / boricualongplays   Twitter:   / brgkasumi   Pinterest:   / kasumi77   Instagram:   / boricuaretrogamer   Twitch:   / kasumi77_   Steam: Patreon:   / boricuaretrogamer   Donate me through Paypal: PSN ID: BRGKasumi772021 Twitch Highlights Streams Channel:    / @brgkasumi77streams   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Channel's Rules: 1.Respect each other's comments! 2.No foul language allowed in my channel in any way. 3.NO Spam! 4.Any requests can be made through comments or in the Community Posts section. 5.All comments will be held for review from now on. 6.Violators will be banned permanently from commenting on my channel. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ #thelastofuspart2 #boricuaretrogamer #collectibles