How to Fertilize Food Plots: Understanding the Numbers | Dream Farm w/ Bill Winke
Trying to figure out the correct amount of bagged fertilizer to apply to various food plot plantings can be intimidating. Whitetail Institute offers an app called Plot Perfection that has a fertilizer calculator built in. That is a great resource. Link below. With this tutorial on fertilizer and the pH needs of food plots, we take you through a very practical look at how much you need, how to apply it and even where to buy it. As expensive as fertilizer is, there are also other methods to improve soil quality through the rotation of what you plant. Whitetail Institute Plot Perfection: https://plotperfection.com/home Whitetail Institute Food Plot Blends: https://whitetailinstitute.com/ Soil Testing Kits: https://whitetailinstitute.com/soil-t...