SUB)ASMR Korean New Year's Day Rice Cake Soup /설날떡국 ASMR / real sound /no talking
#asmr #설날 #tteokguk #mukbang #rice-cake soup #realsound #NewYear'sfood #eatting ASMR 한국의 설날에 먹는 떡국과 제사지낼때 먹는 음식들 몇가지를 먹어보았습니다. I ate some of the rice cake soup that I eat on ASMR Korea's New Year's Day and some of the foods I eat at the ancestral rites. #Korean Food #New Year's food #a raw chestnut #jujube #Dried persimmon #fish pancake #Korean style meatball #Before shiitake #Pan-fried Brochette #fruit( apples and pears ) #rice-cake soup / tteokguk #kimchi #설날 #떡국 #설날제사 #제사음식 #먹방 #한국음식 #한복 #설날음식