DIVIDEND Meaning in Urdu/Hindi | Dividend Kya Hota Hai? | Business & Finance Vocabulary
Dividend meaning in Urdu with detail explanation. Janiye is video mein ke dividend kya hota hai or is se juri tmam malumat sirf @Alams channel per. Apni business or financial vocabulary ko behtar krein. #DividendMeaninginUrdu #DividendkaMatlabKyaHotaHai #DividendMeaninginHindi Dividend is a common stock market term and is frequently used there. Stock traders and investors are well aware of the term because they invest in dividend paying stocks to earn regular money from company's profit. The word DIVIDEND is also used in the terms of benefits, like we say, your hard will pay you rich dividends in future. ……….. Example Sentences …… 1. As a stock investor you must buy only DIVIDEND paying stocks. 2. I earn enough DIVIDEND profit to meet my office expenses. ............................................................................... Ledger Meaning in Urdu: • Video Mortgage Meaning in Urdu: • Video Debt Meaning in Urdu: • Video ........................................................ Disclaimer: This channel does not promote or encourage any illegal activities, all contents provided by this channel #Alams1 is meant for educational purpose only. …………………………………………………………….. I declare that all slideshows and videos on this channel #Alams1 belong to me. Images and clips used in video creation are taken from Pixabay and Google Image search and using advanced image search option. All images are fairly used for video creation and are for educational purpose only. We never try to victimize anybody religiously, socially, politically or emotionally. ……………………………………………………………… Narrator voice is of Ejaz Alam Facebook: / alams1com Twitter: / alams1com Website: https://Alams1.com