HP Tuners and the 6L80 - Part Five - Torque Adder, Trans Time, and Output Torque Factor

HP Tuners and the 6L80 - Part Five - Torque Adder, Trans Time, and Output Torque Factor

This is the FIFTH video from a seven-part video series covering what the calibrations actually do in the 6L80/90 transmission. As you will see in the video, I have outfitted a 6L80 transmission with pressure sensors for each clutch and I recorded the pressure readings while shifting the transmission on our Superflow Dyno. I recorded baseline runs and also single modifications using HP Tuners. In this video, I show how modifying the "Torque Adder, Transition Time, and Torque Factor" alter the transmission pressures. In this video, I summarize the results for each of these calibrations. For a full report of each shift and each clutch, access the presentations and the raw files through my website at: https://www.automotivetextbook.com You can get the free software to open these files at: www.picotech.com www.picoauto.com www.hptuners.com I will update this list of completed videos as I make them, but right now, these are the available videos in the series: Part one: Intro and what you need to know    • HP Tuners and the 6L80 - What does it...   Part two: HP Tuners and the 6L80 - Baseline observations    • HP Tuners and the 6L80 - What does it...   Part three: Max Pressure, Max Press B, Max Clutch, and Max Line:    • HP Tuners & 6L80:  THIRD video coveri...   Part four: XYZ Pattern, Adaptive Oncoming, Adaptive Offgoing    • Part 4 of the HP Tuners and the 6L80:...   Part five: Torque Adder, Transition Time, and Output Torque Factor (you're here!) Part six: HP Tuners and the 6L80 - Part Five - Torque Adder, Trans Time, and Output Torque Factor    • HP Tuners and the 6L80 part SIX - TCC...