5th Sunday in Lent - 11:00 AM Worship - 03/26/2023
11:00 Worship Service
03/26/2023 CITP Live Sunday Service
5th Sunday in Lent - 11:00 AM Worship - 03/26/2023
03/26/2023 QUINTO DOMINGO DE CUARESMA - Misa en Español, 11:00 am - Iglesia de San Jerónimo, Parro
03/26/2023 FIFTH SUNDAY OF LENT - Holy Mass Celebration, English 10:00 am - St. Jerome, Brooklyn Par
10:00 AM Mass ~ Fifth Sunday of Lent ~ 03/26/2023
台美團契長老教會大齋節第五主日禮拜 03/26/2023
Traditional Worship - 03-26-2023
5th Sunday of Lent March 26, 2023 | 11AM Mass
9:00 am - Sunday Catholic Mass - 5th Sunday of Lent - March 26, 2023
Consolata Shrine Live 26/03/2023 9:00 AM, 5th Sunday of Lent Year A